Echo JS 0.11.0


ferahl comments

ferahl 3130 days ago. link 2 points
Interesting but it's not very clear what you're highlighting if it's all in one colour :D

I can see it's doing comments, strings, special chars but that's about it
ferahl 3191 days ago. link 1 point
I still don't get CSS Modules, cascade was a powerful feature of CASCADING style sheets. Like in OO or a mixins an object can inherit properties of another. I don't think that conflicts were a justifiable reason for ditching all that power, css just has to be written with a small amount of care and you don't have conflicts. I know you can compose classes but that's not the same as you end up with a larger css base, that's different from say prototypal inheritance in JS which simply uses memory pointers and doesn't cause bloat.
ferahl 3201 days ago. link 3 points
The very same Doug Wilson who was, let's face it, the star of Weeds?! What a prolific man.
ferahl 3207 days ago. link 2 points
There are big companies still choosing browserify, had a phone convo with one the other day, amazing.
ferahl 3253 days ago. link 1 point
Tbh I don't get this - it's essentially a generator which nests some components - nesting is incredibly easy in React anyway. Still, I'm sure it can be made more useful down the line. And I suppose it will help people new to babel/webpack/node etc