I'm really against auto polyfill, features and polyfills should be intentional. But I get that it's a pain for people relying on it - but if so just stick to Webpack 4, why upgrade? Also wondering what all these packages are that people use in the browser which were built with Node APIs? Sounds weird to me!
My biggest disappointment with Webpack is that they didn't prioritise ESM support and some guy got them to pour energy into Federated Apps which almost no one cares about, when Webpack could have helped to have a much more huge and positive impact on unifying the Javascript module ecosystem.
[comment deleted]ferahl 1871 days ago. link 0 point ▲▼
Copying text isn't react specific, there is a new API that handles it better but using execCommand this naively has many pitfalls - keyboard opening on mobiles, text selection lost, not working at all on iOS devices etc which this does not address