Echo JS 0.11.0


echojs comments

echojs 4221 days ago. link 2 points
Waiting for JetBrains to provide coupon codes / license keys.. Hopefully soon ;)
echojs 4222 days ago. link 4 points
Hi everyone, 

The contest is now over, and here are the results :

The numbered list of participants : 

01.	granze
02.	odiseo
03.	art0rz
04.	sheniff
05.	quelhas
06.	morgantiley
07.	simbas
08.	jaux
09.	jy1999us
10.	MrException
11.	pjs67123
12.	CristianTincu
13.	sparkofreason
14.	htilford
15.	zt19tz
16.	herwix
17.	graydsl
18.	danialk
19.	heroic
20.	xsurge83
21.	jsman
22.	danstocker
23.	web2.0opensource_js
24.	tkldk
25.	clement006
26.	sand3r
27.	miguelcobain
28.	netzzwerg
29.	haksior
30.	matgardon
31.	bogdan
32.	danielrosca
33.	efilips
34.	legas
35.	v0lta
36.	thadclay
37.	flockonus
38.	notwilson
39.	jakschu
40.	rdat
41.	drMabuse
42.	__juju__
43.	pid
44.	ricardoe
45.	garza
46.	BrianPetro
47.	kiernan
48.	sijoh006
49.	tane.piper
50.	feel_good_inc
51.	d-_-b
52.	alttagil
53.	phti
54.	mjankowski
55.	gaplyk
56.	losewmac
57.	uoziod
58.	jitterted
59.	pycior
60.	jdachtera
61.	tmchow
62.	jorgesierra
63.	ash400e
64.	ionelscutelnicu
65.	athieriot
66.	juicywebdesign
67.	chadams
68.	fralix
69.	lorefnon
70.	lelandriordan
71.	fendent
72.	nordyke
73.	Sarah
74.	sonzo
75.	giver
76.	Akomannoss
77.	cyberv0rt
78.	selanac82
79.	orizens
80.	shanzai12
81.	egecan
82.	optikfluffel
83.	Extaze
84.	lplohmann
85.	nekgrim
86.	blacktiger
87.	baslo
88.	imacomber
89.	vdaubry
90.	Madlandproject
91.	esaiz
92.	macene
93.	rballonline
94.	_tucker
95.	easierbycode
96.	bjmiller
97.	jmonterroso
98.	aikeru
99.	elwayman02
100	ben336
101	FilmKnurd
102	shinuza
103	eliseumds
104	unkn
105	pinksy
106	Devin

We are using the Random Sequence Generator at to generate the winners list. More information here :

And the results!

Winners are :

#49 : tane.piper
#28 : netzzwerg
#01 : granze
#37 : flockonus
#92 : macene

Congratulations! We will contact you by e-mail with details :)

Thanks again to JetBrains for the giveaway!
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echojs 4237 days ago. link 0 point
This is an English only site, please do not post French content. Thank you :)
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echojs 4254 days ago. link 1 point
Please post direct links to the article, and not a summary from some Linked In group. Thanks :D
echojs 4293 days ago. link 1 point
Congratulations :) Will contact you by e-mail tomorrow.