davidchase 3641 days ago. link 1 point ▲ ▼AOP is a great technique that is sometimes overlooked or misunderstood
davidchase 3649 days ago. link 0 point ▲ ▼But wait theres more... what if I told you that with ES100 you could rule the world...
davidchase 3656 days ago. link 2 points ▲ ▼really the only thing i think there is to do is to start that library
davidchase 3657 days ago. link 2 points ▲ ▼exactly, patterns over frameworks any day :D then you don't necessary run into issues that you get with frameworks such as major upgrades that also don't support older versions... or no support because the author(s) moved on to the next project, etc
davidchase 3662 days ago. link 1 point ▲ ▼Looks awesome, been using PM2 for a little bit this is sweet news!