I give you props for pushing your own product... and its a nice product but i still don't see what i get with Melchior vs Browserify... other than chaining... I do agree requirejs and AMD is no bueno
You can also do that with browserify you can split up your files such as vendor-bundle and app (for all of the user js) or you can go further and split per page, module, etc and server it up via xhr, server, etc
So i guess i still dont see how webpack is worth all of that ;)
Not sure i follow bundle CSS per module? split points? can you elaborate and react hot loader seems to be coupled with needing to use react...
Is the css part this: ?? http://webpack.github.io/docs/stylesheets.html
because you can already do that with browserify so im not sure what Im missing
to me webpack seems to be like requirejs where you have to read a ton of documentation to get going... in contrast you have browserify with transforms thats completely "pluggable" and more succinct