Echo JS 0.11.0


bloomca comments

bloomca 2698 days ago. link 1 point
> A temporary patch before Web Components become widespread.

Maybe, but there is still no standartised (and widespread) way to communicate between components, and therefore, no way for convenient composition -- and it is crucial.

And regarding engines, I don't know too. WebGL does not have any SEO, so it is no-no in modern web, unless you want to do some very specific app. To be honest, DOM and CSS layout are not that bad, so I think eventually the most convenient engine will win (maybe even they, just with more convenient APIs).
bloomca 2701 days ago. link 1 point
This is not a pure JS article, but in the end I discuss CSS-in-JS solutions, and given their rise, I believe it is one of the most important ones.

I personally still recommend for pet-projects go with just CSS-modules and some preprocessor – tools are not there yet and this combination will be for sure a good choice in couple years, but keep an eye on JS solutions, because they are developed on a rapid pace.