Hello everyone.
There are thousands of libraries for building micro-services or distributed systems in node.js.
- most of them follow the "remote procedure call" style (e.g. http)
- few of them follow the "messaging" style (e.g. queue/topics based distributed systems) - an example is seneca.js
Among the libraries following the "messaging" style, I did not find anyone very easy to use and to extend.
Seneca.js seems one of the most popular, but its code is quite outdated or not well maintained, not following ES6 code-style. This does not simplify its maintenance and extension.
At the same time there are many libraries for implementing middleware in node.js (kue, kafka client, bull, sqs, etc.).
"my-middleware" library wants to be an abstraction layer that allows to easily plu'n'play any middleware library.
It is in a draft phase, feedback are welcome.