Echo JS 0.11.0


basically comments

basically 3116 days ago. link 3 points
The promise example is pretty strange (you can rewrite it and it looks much more simple afterwards). I don't have the impression that the author understood the full power of promises.
basically 3121 days ago. link 1 point
I think it's aweful that there are so many articles that
1. compare React and Angular with a disclaimer that it is not really comparable (but they do it though from a certain perspective).
2. state that the articles from (1) made an invalid comparision.

I've never seen any benefit (for me personally) from an article of (1) or (2).
basically 3218 days ago. link 1 point
This may be true for America but not for Europe from my experience (Germany specifically). A Master Degree makes a huge difference in payment and job possibilities.
basically 3232 days ago. link 1 point
Sorry but what is this? It seems pretty useless to me. A huge singleton, string hacking and an obscure syntax?