Echo JS 0.11.0


amitport comments

amitport 2673 days ago. link 1 point
Very nice, but it's important to note that it is released under AGPL. AFAIK, it means that almost every usage of this code, including as part of a web-api, can be required to be released as open source under the same license.
amitport 2689 days ago. link 2 points
"Add support for ESM. This is currently behind the --experimental-modules flag and requires the .mjs extension. node --experimental-modules index.mjs" 👍
amitport 2807 days ago. link 1 point
clicking 'getting started' just says to come back in a few months— whatever it is, it hasn't arrived...
amitport 2810 days ago. link 1 point
There are ISec companies that maintain this kind of lists as part of their main business. They test against penetration tools and review against all CVEs. I worked in such a company, but unfortunately, I don't remember specific patterns and couldn't disclose any if I did.

I know I'm not being extremely useful. In any case, I think it is important to clearly state that companies with critical security requirements should probably not rely solely on this.
amitport 2810 days ago. link 1 point
Nice, but the rules are somewhat minimal IMHO. It will be nice to mention that in the readme.
amitport 2865 days ago. link 3 points
You are just linking to a commercial site. No added value. You will avoid the down votes when you'll write an interesting technical report, publish an open source project, or be the first to report something new in the field (e.g., es2019 features).
amitport 2948 days ago. link -1 point
As someone who is regularly introducing javascript to other programmers. I got the say that since ES6, prototypes are no longer a core concept that is practically needed to get you started and this does wonders to the learning curve. Really people just get into the language and code base *a lot* faster, and no, they don't encounter side-effects for not knowing prototypes. That's because our code is mostly sane and prototypes are used scarcely (which should be the case for most projects).

Don't get me wrong, it will be a good thing that programmers *eventually* understand prototypes, but it really shouldn't be a core concept blocking use of the simple inheritance paradigm.