Echo JS 0.11.0


abhiprodexia comments

abhiprodexia 1673 days ago. link 0 point
Nice for your feedback. There is no library which provide animations this easy and with customization , i thought readme is sufficient but i'll add documentation soon. There are 20 anims listed in readme * 2 as for IN & OUT == 40. Rest you fan add parameters at the end like fadeInTop , top,right,left etc just to make it mpre simple motionia will generate the anims for every 4 parameters after 2 parametric parameters(in,out) that is 20*2*4*4*4*4 === 10,240 automatically + you can customize it too like 

[Also there are not only 20 , its 30~40] base anim currently

motionia("target", "slideY" , "-100px")

Specify the range as well in the third var.

In any other animation library you need to specify every small thing which consumes time as well as makes ur projevt lengthy but motinia needs only one line.

And its beginning as you know this has great potential. Stay tuned with motionia