RangerMauve 2765 days ago. link 1 point ▲ ▼Basically Template languages choice is flexible when you first start out, else it can be a pain in the ass to switch over. Some projects could also opt to use several template engines and slowly transition
RangerMauve 2882 days ago. link 3 points ▲ ▼Given this was posted to a JavaScript news forum, the JavaScript section was clearly written by somebody that has absolutely no idea what it is.
RangerMauve 3022 days ago. link 3 points ▲ ▼This article is about end to end testing in Angular. The title is misleading.
RangerMauve 3151 days ago. link 2 points ▲ ▼What you want is just a peer to peer network with some sort of RPC between them. There's a bunch of things on NPM to get you started with this.
RangerMauve 3196 days ago. link 1 point ▲ ▼If anything this is just going to drive people away from using this service
RangerMauve 3345 days ago. link 1 point ▲ ▼I made a library for this which allows for a similar flow to Go Channels: https://github.com/RangerMauve/promise-channel It works perfectly with async functions.
RangerMauve 3369 days ago. link 2 points ▲ ▼Redis isn't embeddable, which as far as I understand is the main advantage of LevelDB. Especially, since this is proposed for an electron app.