Most answers are quite tricky.
Some are quite good because you really need your Javascript knowledge, even bleeding-edge features.
Others require to deeply know what's under the hood of Javascript engines, i.e. dig down into the specs. I'm not really fond of those.
But a nice distraction anyway.
This first part basically consists in setting up a development environment on Windows. Not a single line of JavaScript...
Also, I find the choice of Scoop as a package installer quite unusual, when alternatives like Chocolatey and NuGet are much more en vogue. But well, I guess avoiding a monoculture is good.
On the other hand, ConEmu is nice although I would have used Cmder (which is a wrapper for ConEmu).
What I'd *never* do is writing "jQuery" in all caps.
Uh, it also says "focused on JavaScript development, HTML5, and front-end news". That's a bit confusing.
Anyway, looks like it's a script quite web-development centric to me. In particular, it installs a decent node environment.
> Also, I count 4 dependencies, where dpicker has only 2.
I wouldn't count 3 of them, since they're packages by Bevacqua himself. The other is moment.js, which dpicker depends on too.
Rome *is* larger, though.
The video is about nothing new for a good part of the video.
But IMO the main topic if Mattias' rant on reducing the application's variable state to the minimum.