Echo JS 0.11.0


MaxArt comments

MaxArt 210 days ago. link 2 points
Contrary to expectations, this article does *not* explain how to generate a QR Code with Node.js. It just points out that there's an npm package that generates QR Codes, and doesn't even bother to provide a link to the repo:

Not a single line of JavaScript has been used in the article.
MaxArt 218 days ago. link 2 points
Isn't it "calendAr" rather than "calendEr"?
MaxArt 230 days ago. link 2 points
General rules for posting
* English content only

Edit: I see there's an English version too - sorry for the downvote, I can't remove it now. Next time link the English version straight away.
MaxArt 234 days ago. link 3 points

* Edit titles: only article title, no blog name, no period at the end

The actual title is "Jest Mock Extended - Writing Typescript Friendly Tests". Don't be click-baity.
MaxArt 242 days ago. link 2 points
> Using the split() method

> let characters = message.split('');
> console.log(characters.length); 

> Using the slice() method

> let characters = message.slice();
> console.log(characters.length);

Is this a joke? Or just a way to collect Medium reactions?