Echo JS 0.11.0


Hylix comments

Hylix 2692 days ago. link 1 point
Still kinda disappointing imho, how long did the test run before reaching this point? Is it also faster or kinda the same?

Also wouldn't a set be more appropriate in this case? Since the lookup time in a set would be faster than a map? Maybe a set also fits more ints?
Hylix 2716 days ago. link 3 points
I am pretty sure in the meantime it has been posted, nonetheless in my opinion it would be cooler to see articles posted about what exactly is new about Fusebox instead of just a link to the repo.
Hylix 2716 days ago. link 2 points
Why keep posting this? Sure it's a nice piece of software but as long as there isn't anything new (blogpost or something) reposting the same github repo seems kinda useless..
Hylix 2781 days ago. link 1 point
Hmm I'm not sure, TypeScript already has its private keyword. I would assume they are going to support both and compile it down to either a #private or not, depending on your target.