Echo JS 0.11.0


Grug0ry comments

Grug0ry 3069 days ago. link -1 point
Don't use any of this crap!  Didn't "The Sad State of Web Development" sink in???

Grug0ry 3069 days ago. link 1 point
I agree.  I feel that while author has effectively integrated Ramda, it is nevertheless superfluous and the gains of functionally accumulating your component's parts (Header, Body, Footer) are outweighed by the inevitable technical debt of explaining to juniors why this isn't just a chunk of JSX.

Effective mental models paired with usage of ES2015's comprehensions and fat-arrows, as the parent has stated, makes Ramda and lodash feel like legacy detritus still hanging around from the Dark Ages.
Grug0ry 3075 days ago. link 1 point
May I ask the moderation what the censored story was on the front page?