Echo JS 0.11.0


BMSVieira comments

BMSVieira 104 days ago. link 1 point
Yeah, i know that library.
Thank you.

Im right now making changes to nmea.js and will be out very soon.
BMSVieira 104 days ago. link 1 point
Yeah, sounds like a good idea.

using demo.set()developers would have a way to change the sentence after class instantation

Yes, i want to set gets/sets for retrieving information


Thank you :)
BMSVieira 104 days ago. link 1 point
Yeah, Actually i developed something like this in my previous company.

It was a Cruise Ship company in portugal.
We received information from the built in GPS system and decoded into something we could display for our guests.

Location, speed, heading, etc.. 

So i decided to build a JS library out of it.

I have a lot of ideas to add